Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Welcome Hayden Elizabeth Brown

January 4, 2017   

First Prayer for Baby- Little One from heaven above may God keep you in his love. Little One on earth below may the angels watch you grow.

A week ago today,  my husband Tim and I lives changed forever. Our precious baby girl was diagnosed at Week 20 with a rare chromosomal anomaly, Trisomy 13.  She has an extra 13th chromosome and with odds and statistics outweighing us for months, discouraging prognosis like "incompatible with life" and less than 10% chance of survival, we joyously welcomed our little miracle, Hayden Elizabeth Brown on Wednesday, January 4, 2017 at 7:50 p.m. Our little bundle of joy arrived into the world anxious to share her Daddy's birthday, weighing in at 7 lb. 9 oz and 21 3/4 inches long. 

It is hard to describe the feeling that you get when you meet your child for the first time. After a week of being 4 cm dilated, on our induction date my water broke that morning. After 12 hours at the hospital, 5 excruciatingly long hours of pushing, and a few complications, we finally met our greatest blessing. For those Moms and parents out there you know it is such a magical moment that you will never forget. For us, hearing her cry and getting to see her face for the first time was witnessing a true miracle. I have never laid my eyes on someone that I knew I could love so much and that could be so perfect.

Although Hayden may not be perfect in other's eyes she is perfect in her Daddy and Mommy's eyes and in God's eyes. Her extra chromosome has made her extra special and that just makes her that much more miraculous. She was born with a moderate size ventricular septal defect or hole in her heart, a duplicated collection system in her kidneys, microphthalmia or an eye abnormality with underdeveloped eyes, a soft cleft palate, a small omphalocele (portion of her intestines formed outside of her body), rocker bottom feet, and bilateral polydactyly or an extra small appendage on her hands. There were statistics that she never should would survive outside of the womb, that she would probably be a small birth weight or possibly stillborn or premature, yet here she is proving us all wrong.

Hayden is getting better and stronger each day. Sheis already 52% in weight and 99% in height. Just today she was taken off her cannula tube oxygen and is now breathing on her own. She is also accepting and digesting my feedings with the assistance of an NG feeding tube. We are so thankful for the teams of doctors and nurses that care  for her day after day and strive to push the boundaries that make her stronger. She continues to make leaps and bounds, so our hope is that she will be able to come home  to us very soon.

We knew this would be a difficult journey and that God would give us the strength during this courageous fight but it is a lot harder to see now that it has begun. Getting discharged from the hospital and not coming home with our little girl each night is heartbreaking. We know there are a lot of hurdles ahead of us, but Hayden is a fierce fighter. Most of our days and nights are spent by her side so we ask for continued thoughts, prayers, and privacy as she continues to fight each day.  Of course, we will do our best to update everyone as time allows by this blog and as she makes her miraculous progress. But we are beyond blessed to have Hayden Elizabeth in our lives and are proud to be her parents and witness her life, journey and what lies ahead for our little miracle!

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